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Who we work with

We’re here to make it as easy as possible to get the support that's right for you, all in one place.

We work closely with over 130 organisations across Hertfordshire and continue to explore new opportunities to grow our network.

Once we understand your needs, we'll put you in touch with trusted local services where you'll receive personalised support. Some of the organisations that operate within our hubs include:

  • Hertfordshire Health Improvement Service (NHS Health Checks)
  • Citizens Advice​
  • Mind in Mid Herts
  • ​Herts Mind Network​
  • NHS Talking Therapy​
  • Local Authority Housing teams​
  • Job Smart​
  • Job Centre Plus​
  • Barclays​
  • Macmillan​
  • Communities 1st​
  • Shaw Trust​
  • Oaklands College​
  • Isabel Hospice Compassionate Neighbours​
  • Local community activity group
  • EON​
  • CGL
  • Computer Friendly​
  • Herts Help​
  • St Alban’s Old People’s Trust​
  • St Albans Community Bank​
  • Alzheimer’s Society​
  • Herts Health Walks​
  • Step2Skills ​
  • Family Centres​


Interested in becoming a partner?

Contact your local Healthy Hub to tell us how your health and wellbeing initiative can help adults in Hertfordshire. 

Watch our Healthy Hubs films on YouTube to see the special work our teams and partners are doing to tackle health inequality.


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